Cnn news on south korea wrong abortion

I'm not aware of any specific CNN news article or report on South Korea that is incorrect or misleading about abortion. However, I can try to help you find accurate information on the topic.

Abortion laws and policies in South Korea are complex and have undergone changes over the years. Here are some key points to note:

  1. Abortion was illegal in South Korea until 1953, when it was decriminalized under the country's penal code.
  2. In 1973, the South Korean government passed the "Act on the Regulation of Abortion," which allowed for abortion in certain circumstances, such as when the pregnancy poses a threat to the mother's life or health.
  3. In 2019, the South Korean government passed the "Act on the Promotion of Women's and Children's Health and Welfare," which expanded access to abortion services and allowed for abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. However, abortion remains a controversial topic in South Korea, and there are ongoing debates about its legality, accessibility, and ethical implications.

If you're looking for accurate information on abortion in South Korea, I recommend consulting reputable sources such as:

  1. The World Health Organization (WHO): WHO provides information on abortion laws and policies around the world, including in South Korea.
  2. The Guttmacher Institute: The Guttmacher Institute is a non-profit organization that provides research and information on reproductive health, including abortion.
  3. The South Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare: The South Korean government's Ministry of Health and Welfare provides information on healthcare policies, including abortion.

It's important to note that CNN and other reputable news sources strive to provide accurate and unbiased reporting on complex topics like abortion. If you have any specific concerns or questions about a particular article or report, I recommend reaching out to the news organization directly or consulting multiple sources to get a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.