Cnn news on face app

You're looking for CNN news on the FaceApp app!

FaceApp is a popular AI-powered photo editing app that allows users to transform their photos into various styles, including older or younger versions of themselves. While FaceApp doesn't typically provide news updates, I can give you some information on how to access CNN news on the app:

  1. FaceApp doesn't have a built-in news feature: FaceApp is primarily a photo editing app, and it doesn't have a dedicated news section or feature.
  2. Access CNN news through other apps or websites: To access CNN news, you can download the CNN app or visit their website ( on your mobile device or computer. You can also use other news aggregator apps like Apple News, Google News, or Flipboard to access CNN news.
  3. Use FaceApp's "News" filter: While FaceApp doesn't have a dedicated news feature, you can use the "News" filter on the app's "Effects" page to access some news-related content. This filter allows you to apply news-themed filters to your photos, such as a "Breaking News" or "Headline" effect. However, this is not a reliable way to access actual news updates.

In summary, FaceApp is not a reliable source for accessing CNN news or any other news updates. If you're looking for news, it's best to use dedicated news apps or websites.