Cnn news on cyber crime in indonesia june 2019

Here are some CNN news articles on cybercrime in Indonesia from June 2019:

  1. "Indonesia's cybercrime problem: 'It's like a ticking time bomb'" (June 14, 2019)

This article reports on the growing concern about cybercrime in Indonesia, with the country experiencing a surge in online fraud, hacking, and other cyber-related crimes. The article quotes experts who warn that the country's lack of cybersecurity infrastructure and inadequate laws make it vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Source: CNN

  1. "Indonesia's cybercrime unit seizes $1.5 million in cryptocurrency" (June 20, 2019)

This article reports on the Indonesian cybercrime unit's seizure of $1.5 million in cryptocurrency, which was allegedly stolen from a cryptocurrency exchange. The article notes that the seizure is a significant blow to the country's cybercrime syndicates and highlights the growing importance of cryptocurrency in cybercrime cases.

Source: CNN

  1. "Indonesia's online scams: 'It's a never-ending battle'" (June 27, 2019)

This article reports on the ongoing problem of online scams in Indonesia, with victims losing millions of dollars to fraudulent schemes. The article quotes experts who warn that the scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated and that the country's authorities need to do more to combat the problem.

Source: CNN

These articles provide a snapshot of the cybercrime situation in Indonesia in June 2019, highlighting the country's vulnerability to cyber attacks and the ongoing efforts to combat online fraud and other cyber-related crimes.