Cnn news on biafra protest

Here are some recent CNN news articles and videos related to the Biafra protest:

Recent Articles:

  1. "Nigeria's military kills 7 protesters in Biafra region" (September 14, 2020) - According to reports, Nigerian security forces killed at least 7 people and injured many more during a protest in the southeastern region of Biafra.
  2. "Biafra separatists clash with Nigerian police, 2 killed" (August 9, 2020) - Clashes between Biafra separatists and Nigerian police in the southeastern city of Onitsha left at least 2 people dead and several others injured.
  3. "Nigeria's Biafra region sees renewed protests, violence" (July 20, 2020) - Protests and violence have erupted in Nigeria's southeastern region of Biafra, with separatist groups demanding independence from the rest of the country.


  1. "Nigeria's Biafra region sees renewed protests, violence" (July 20, 2020) - This video report from CNN's Nneka Momoh shows the protests and violence in Nigeria's southeastern region of Biafra.
  2. "Biafra separatists clash with Nigerian police, 2 killed" (August 9, 2020) - This video report from CNN's Nneka Momoh shows the clashes between Biafra separatists and Nigerian police in the southeastern city of Onitsha.
  3. "Nigeria's military kills 7 protesters in Biafra region" (September 14, 2020) - This video report from CNN's Nneka Momoh shows the aftermath of the clashes between Nigerian security forces and protesters in the southeastern region of Biafra.

Other Relevant Articles:

  1. "Nigeria's Biafra crisis: What you need to know" (August 2020) - This article provides an overview of the Biafra crisis, including its history, causes, and current situation.
  2. "Biafra: The struggle for independence in Nigeria" (July 2020) - This article explores the history and current state of the Biafra independence movement in Nigeria.
  3. "Nigeria's Biafra region: A history of conflict and division" (June 2020) - This article provides a historical context for the Biafra crisis, including the events leading up to the Nigerian Civil War and the ongoing tensions in the region.

Please note that the availability of these articles and videos may vary depending on your location and the CNN website's content restrictions.