Cnn news on biafra agitation

Here are some recent CNN news articles and videos related to the Biafra agitation:

Recent Articles:

  1. "Nigeria's Biafra separatist movement: What's behind the unrest?" (February 2020) - This article provides an overview of the Biafra movement, its history, and the current situation.
  2. "Nigeria's Biafra separatists clash with security forces, leaving dozens dead" (September 2020) - This article reports on a violent clash between Biafra separatists and Nigerian security forces, resulting in dozens of deaths.
  3. "Nigeria's Biafra separatist leader Nnamdi Kanu arrested, sparking protests" (June 2021) - This article reports on the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), and the subsequent protests and violence.


  1. "Nigeria's Biafra separatist movement: A history of violence and division" (February 2020) - This video provides an overview of the Biafra movement, its history, and the current situation.
  2. "Nigeria's Biafra separatists clash with security forces, leaving dozens dead" (September 2020) - This video reports on a violent clash between Biafra separatists and Nigerian security forces, resulting in dozens of deaths.
  3. "Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Nigeria's Biafra separatist movement, arrested" (June 2021) - This video reports on the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu and the subsequent protests and violence.

Other Resources:

  1. "Biafra: A brief history" (CNN, 2020) - This article provides a brief history of the Biafra movement, including its origins, the Nigerian Civil War, and the current situation.
  2. "Nigeria's Biafra crisis: What you need to know" (Al Jazeera, 2020) - This article provides an overview of the Biafra crisis, including its causes, the current situation, and the international response.
  3. "Biafra: The struggle for independence" (BBC News, 2020) - This article provides an overview of the Biafra movement, including its history, the current situation, and the international response.

Please note that the situation in Nigeria is complex and sensitive, and the information provided here is based on publicly available news sources.