Cnn news live stream aretha franklin

Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, passed away on August 16, 2018, at the age of 76. While there may not be a live CNN news stream dedicated specifically to Aretha Franklin, I can suggest a few ways to access her music, news articles, and tributes:

  1. CNN's Aretha Franklin coverage: You can search for "Aretha Franklin" on CNN's website ( to find archived news articles, videos, and tributes to the legendary singer.
  2. Aretha Franklin's music: You can stream Aretha Franklin's music on various platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music. You can also purchase her albums or individual songs on online music stores like iTunes or Google Play Music.
  3. Tribute videos and documentaries: You can find tribute videos and documentaries about Aretha Franklin on YouTube, Netflix, or Amazon Prime Video. These may include interviews, performances, and behind-the-scenes footage of her life and career.
  4. Aretha Franklin's official social media: You can follow Aretha Franklin's official social media accounts, such as her Facebook page or Twitter handle, to access her music, news, and tributes.

Please note that Aretha Franklin is no longer with us, and any live streams or news coverage may be archived or historical in nature.