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Here are the latest news articles from CNN Politics:

Top Stories

  1. Biden to meet with Putin in Geneva: President Joe Biden will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 16, the White House announced.
  2. Supreme Court rules on voting rights: The Supreme Court has ruled that a key provision of the Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional, dealing a blow to voting rights advocates.
  3. House passes bill to increase minimum wage: The House of Representatives has passed a bill to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, a move that could help millions of low-wage workers.
  4. Trump's tax returns released: The New York Times has obtained former President Donald Trump's tax returns, which show that he paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017.
  5. Biden's infrastructure plan faces opposition: President Biden's infrastructure plan is facing opposition from some lawmakers, who say it is too expensive and would lead to increased taxes.

Latest News

  1. Biden to announce new climate change measures: President Biden is expected to announce new measures to combat climate change, including a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.
  2. House Democrats introduce bill to expand Medicaid: House Democrats have introduced a bill to expand Medicaid to more low-income Americans, a move that could help millions of people gain health insurance.
  3. Trump's lawyer says he will not testify in impeachment trial: Former President Trump's lawyer has said that Trump will not testify in his impeachment trial, which is set to begin next week.
  4. Biden's nominee for Supreme Court faces opposition: President Biden's nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, is facing opposition from some lawmakers, who say she is too liberal.
  5. House passes bill to protect voting rights: The House of Representatives has passed a bill to protect voting rights, which would make it easier for people to vote and harder for states to pass laws that restrict voting.


  1. The case for a $15 minimum wage: An op-ed argues that increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour would help millions of low-wage workers and boost the economy.
  2. The dangers of Trump's tax returns: An op-ed argues that the release of Trump's tax returns could lead to a political witch hunt and undermine the rule of law.
  3. The importance of voting rights: An op-ed argues that protecting voting rights is essential to maintaining democracy and ensuring that all citizens have an equal say in the political process.


  1. The politics of climate change: An analysis examines the political implications of climate change and how it is shaping the 2024 presidential election.
  2. The future of the Republican Party: An analysis examines the future of the Republican Party and how it will respond to the changing political landscape.
  3. The impact of Trump's presidency on the judiciary: An analysis examines the impact of Trump's presidency on the judiciary and how it has changed the makeup of the Supreme Court.