Cnn news api for developers

The CNN News API!

The CNN News API is a powerful tool for developers to access and integrate CNN's news content into their applications. Here's an overview of the API and how to get started:

What is the CNN News API?

The CNN News API is a RESTful API that provides access to a vast collection of news articles, videos, and other multimedia content from CNN. The API allows developers to retrieve and use this content in their own applications, such as news aggregators, mobile apps, or websites.

Features and Endpoints

The CNN News API offers a range of features and endpoints to help you build your application. Some of the key features include:

  1. Article Search: Search for articles by keyword, topic, or date range.
  2. Article Retrieval: Retrieve individual articles by ID or URL.
  3. Article List: Retrieve a list of articles based on various criteria (e.g., category, date range, etc.).
  4. Video Search: Search for videos by keyword, topic, or date range.
  5. Video Retrieval: Retrieve individual videos by ID or URL.
  6. Video List: Retrieve a list of videos based on various criteria (e.g., category, date range, etc.).

Some of the available endpoints include:

Authentication and Rate Limiting

To use the CNN News API, you'll need to register for an API key. Once you have your API key, you can use it to authenticate your requests. The API also has rate limiting in place to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage.

Getting Started

To get started with the CNN News API, follow these steps:

  1. Register for an API key: Go to the CNN News API website and register for an API key.
  2. Choose your programming language: The API supports multiple programming languages, including Python, Java, and JavaScript.
  3. Read the documentation: Familiarize yourself with the API documentation, which includes detailed information on endpoints, parameters, and response formats.
  4. Start building your application: Use the API to retrieve and integrate CNN news content into your application.

Example Code

Here's an example of how to use the CNN News API in Python:

import requests

# Set your API key
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"

# Set the endpoint and parameters
endpoint = ""
params = {"q": "covid-19", "sort": "date"}

# Set the headers
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"}

# Make the request
response = requests.get(endpoint, params=params, headers=headers)

# Parse the response
data = response.json()

# Print the results
for article in data["articles"]:

This code retrieves a list of articles related to COVID-19 and prints the titles of each article.


The CNN News API is a powerful tool for developers to access and integrate CNN's news content into their applications. With its robust features and endpoints, you can build a wide range of applications, from news aggregators to mobile apps. By following the steps outlined above and exploring the API documentation, you can get started with the CNN News API and start building your own news-related applications.