Cnn news anchors male

Here is a list of some well-known male CNN news anchors:

  1. Anderson Cooper - Anchor of CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360°"
  2. Wolf Blitzer - Anchor of CNN's "The Situation Room"
  3. Jake Tapper - Anchor of CNN's "The Lead" and "State of the Union"
  4. Chris Cuomo - Anchor of CNN's "New Day"
  5. Don Lemon - Anchor of CNN's "CNN Tonight"
  6. Jim Acosta - White House Correspondent and anchor of CNN's "Acosta Live"
  7. Victor Blackwell - Anchor of CNN's "New Day Weekend"
  8. John King - Anchor of CNN's "Inside Politics"
  9. Michael Smerconish - Anchor of CNN's "Smerconish"
  10. Fredricka Whitfield - Anchor of CNN's "Fredricka Whitfield: News and Views" (note: while not exclusively a male anchor, Whitfield is often paired with male co-anchors)

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other male CNN news anchors not included here.