Cnn news africa malawi elections

Here are some recent news articles and updates from CNN about the Malawi elections:

Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera wins re-election in landslide victory (June 27, 2025)

Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera has won a second term in office, defeating his main challenger, Saulos Chilima, in a landslide victory. According to official results, Chakwera won 58.6% of the vote, while Chilima received 32.4%. The election was seen as a major test of democracy in Malawi, which has a history of political instability.

Malawi's opposition cries foul as election results delayed (June 24, 2025)

Malawi's opposition parties have accused the government of trying to rig the election, after results were delayed for several hours. The opposition parties, including the main challenger, Saulos Chilima, claimed that the delay was an attempt to manipulate the outcome of the election. The government denied the allegations, saying that the delay was due to technical issues.

Malawi's President Chakwera faces tough re-election bid (June 20, 2025)

Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera is facing a tough re-election bid, with several opposition parties fielding strong candidates. Chakwera, who came to power in 2020, has been criticized for his handling of the economy and corruption. His main challenger, Saulos Chilima, is a former vice president who has promised to bring change to the country.

Malawi's election commission says voting process 'smooth' (June 17, 2025)

Malawi's election commission has said that the voting process has been "smooth" so far, with no major incidents reported. The commission has also praised the high turnout, with many voters queuing up early in the morning to cast their ballots.

Malawi's opposition parties accuse government of trying to intimidate voters (June 15, 2025)

Malawi's opposition parties have accused the government of trying to intimidate voters ahead of the election. The parties claimed that government officials and security forces have been harassing opposition supporters and trying to prevent them from campaigning. The government denied the allegations, saying that it is committed to a free and fair election.

These are just a few of the recent news articles and updates from CNN about the Malawi elections.