Cnn news adebola williams

Adebola Williams is a Nigerian journalist and media entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of Red Media Africa, a leading media and communications agency in West Africa. He is also the founder of The Future Project, a non-profit organization that focuses on empowering young people and promoting social change.

Adebola Williams has been recognized for his work in journalism and media, and has received several awards and nominations. He was named one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" by TIME Magazine in 2013, and has also been recognized by the African Leadership Network, the World Economic Forum, and the International Center for Journalists, among others.

Here are some recent news articles and interviews featuring Adebola Williams:

These articles and interviews highlight Adebola Williams' work in journalism, media, and social entrepreneurship, as well as his thoughts on the future of media and social change in Africa.