Cnn news about facebook lottery

I couldn't find any recent CNN news articles specifically about a Facebook lottery. However, I can suggest some possible reasons why you might be looking for this information:

  1. Facebook has run several promotions and giveaways in the past, but these are usually limited to specific events or occasions, such as holidays or product launches.
  2. There have been instances where scammers have created fake Facebook lotteries or contests to trick people into giving away their personal information or money. These scams are often reported by CNN and other reputable news sources.
  3. Facebook has faced criticism and scrutiny over its handling of user data and privacy, which may have led to concerns about the company's ability to run a fair and transparent lottery.

If you're looking for information on a specific Facebook lottery or promotion, I recommend checking the official Facebook website or social media channels for announcements and updates. You can also search for news articles on reputable news sources like CNN to stay informed about any developments or concerns related to Facebook's promotions and giveaways.