Cnn news 2018 news economy china workgrow

Here are some news articles from CNN Money in 2018 related to China's economy and work culture:

  1. China's economy grows at slowest pace in 28 years (January 2018)

China's economy grew at its slowest pace in 28 years in 2017, according to official data. The country's GDP expanded 6.9% in 2017, down from 7.1% in 2016. The slowdown was attributed to a decline in manufacturing and a surge in debt.


  1. China's '996' work culture: Why employees are pushing back (March 2018)

China's tech industry is known for its demanding work culture, with many employees working long hours, often exceeding 12 hours a day. The "996" work culture, which involves working from 9am to 9pm, six days a week, has been criticized for its impact on employees' mental and physical health.


  1. China's debt crisis: A ticking time bomb? (April 2018)

China's debt levels have been rising rapidly in recent years, with the country's total debt reaching over 300% of its GDP. The rapid growth in debt has raised concerns about the potential for a debt crisis, which could have significant implications for the global economy.


  1. China's economy is facing a major challenge (June 2018)

China's economy is facing a major challenge as the country's growth slows and its debt levels continue to rise. The country's central bank has taken steps to stimulate the economy, including cutting interest rates and injecting liquidity into the financial system.


  1. China's 'gig economy' is booming (August 2018)

China's gig economy, which includes companies like Didi Chuxing and Meituan, is booming, with millions of workers joining the platform economy. The growth of the gig economy has created new opportunities for workers, but also raises concerns about labor rights and social welfare.


I hope these articles provide some insight into China's economy and work culture in 2018!