Cnn latest news youtube

Here are the latest news videos from CNN on YouTube:

Top Stories

  1. Breaking News: Russia-Ukraine Conflict - CNN's Wolf Blitzer reports on the latest developments in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. (Published 2 hours ago)
  2. COVID-19 Update: Omicron Variant Spreads - CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta provides an update on the Omicron variant and its impact on the global pandemic. (Published 4 hours ago)
  3. US Politics: Biden's Economic Plan - CNN's Jake Tapper discusses President Biden's economic plan and its potential impact on the US economy. (Published 6 hours ago)

International News

  1. Israel-Palestine Conflict: Ceasefire Agreed - CNN's Ben Wedeman reports on the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Palestine, and what it means for the region. (Published 8 hours ago)
  2. UK Politics: Boris Johnson's Future - CNN's Nic Robertson discusses the latest developments in the UK's political crisis, including Boris Johnson's future as Prime Minister. (Published 10 hours ago)
  3. China's COVID-19 Lockdowns: Impact on Economy - CNN's Anna Stewart reports on the economic impact of China's COVID-19 lockdowns and what it means for the global economy. (Published 12 hours ago)

US News

  1. US Capitol Riot: January 6th Investigation - CNN's Pamela Brown reports on the latest developments in the investigation into the January 6th riot at the US Capitol. (Published 14 hours ago)
  2. US Economy: Inflation and Interest Rates - CNN's Christine Romans discusses the latest economic indicators, including inflation and interest rates, and what they mean for the US economy. (Published 16 hours ago)
  3. California Wildfires: Update on Evacuations - CNN's Miguel Marquez reports on the latest developments in the California wildfires, including evacuation orders and firefighting efforts. (Published 18 hours ago)

Business and Finance

  1. Stock Market: Dow Jones and S&P 500 - CNN's Christine Romans discusses the latest stock market trends and what's driving the Dow Jones and S&P 500. (Published 20 hours ago)
  2. Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and Ethereum - CNN's Julia Chatterley reports on the latest developments in the cryptocurrency market, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. (Published 22 hours ago)
  3. Economic Indicators: GDP and Unemployment - CNN's Christine Romans discusses the latest economic indicators, including GDP and unemployment rates, and what they mean for the US economy. (Published 24 hours ago)

Please note that the timestamps may vary depending on your location and the time of day.