Cnn latest news on nigeria house of representatives members

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that CNN is a global news organization that provides news coverage on a wide range of topics, including international news. Nigeria is a country in West Africa, and the House of Representatives is one of the two chambers of the National Assembly of Nigeria.

As CNN is a global news organization, it's unlikely that they would have a dedicated section or latest news on individual members of the Nigerian House of Representatives. Instead, you may want to check with Nigerian news sources or online publications that focus on Nigerian politics and news.

That being said, I can suggest some reputable Nigerian news sources that you can check for updates on the Nigerian House of Representatives and its members:

  1. Vanguard News: A popular Nigerian online news publication that provides updates on politics, business, and other news.
  2. The Punch: Another well-known Nigerian online news publication that covers politics, sports, and other news.
  3. Premium Times: A Nigerian online news publication that focuses on investigative journalism and in-depth reporting on politics and governance.
  4. Leadership Newspaper: A Nigerian online news publication that covers politics, business, and other news.

You can also check the official website of the Nigerian House of Representatives or the National Assembly of Nigeria for updates on the activities and members of the House.

If you're looking for specific information on a particular member of the Nigerian House of Representatives, you can try searching online for their name along with keywords like "Nigerian House of Representatives" or "National Assembly of Nigeria". You can also check their official social media profiles or websites (if they have one) for updates on their activities and initiatives.