Cnn igbo news caster recrutment

You're looking for recruitment opportunities for Igbo news casters at CNN. Here are a few options:

  1. CNN Careers: You can visit the official CNN careers website ( and search for job openings related to news casting or broadcasting. You can filter your search by location, job category, and other criteria.
  2. CNN Africa: As a leading global news organization, CNN has a significant presence in Africa. You can visit the CNN Africa website ( and look for job openings related to news casting or broadcasting in Africa.
  3. Igbo Language Jobs: You can also search for job openings that specifically require Igbo language skills. Websites like or may have job listings related to Igbo language news casting or broadcasting.
  4. Local Recruitment Agencies: You can also reach out to local recruitment agencies in Nigeria or other countries with significant Igbo populations. They may have job openings or be able to connect you with organizations that are looking for Igbo news casters.

Some examples of local recruitment agencies in Nigeria include:

Remember to tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills and experience in news casting or broadcasting. Good luck with your job search!