Cnn derides trump allies fake news

I see what's going on here. It seems like you're pointing out a potential irony or hypocrisy on the part of CNN, a news organization that is often criticized by President Trump and his supporters for being "fake news."

It's true that CNN has been a frequent target of Trump's attacks, and some of his allies have accused the network of spreading "fake news" or having a liberal bias. However, it's important to note that CNN is a reputable news organization that has a long history of fact-based reporting and has won numerous awards for its journalism.

That being said, it's also important to recognize that the term "fake news" has been used by Trump and his allies to discredit legitimate news organizations and journalists who report on stories that are unfavorable to them. This can be a dangerous tactic, as it can erode trust in the media and undermine the public's ability to access accurate information.

In any case, it's always important to approach news with a critical eye and to verify information through multiple sources before drawing conclusions.