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Here are the latest world news headlines from

Top Stories

  1. Ukraine says Russia has launched a new wave of attacks: Ukraine's military says Russia has launched a new wave of attacks on multiple fronts, including the eastern city of Donetsk and the southern city of Kherson.
  2. US and EU impose new sanctions on Russia: The United States and European Union have imposed new sanctions on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, targeting Russian banks, oligarchs, and defense companies.
  3. North Korea fires ballistic missile into sea: North Korea has fired a ballistic missile into the sea, according to South Korean and Japanese officials, in a move that is likely to raise tensions in the region.
  4. India and Pakistan exchange fire along disputed border: India and Pakistan have exchanged fire along their disputed border in Kashmir, with both sides reporting casualties and damage to property.
  5. China's Xi Jinping visits Hong Kong to mark 25th anniversary of handover: Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in Hong Kong to mark the 25th anniversary of the city's handover from British to Chinese rule, amid concerns over Beijing's increasing influence over the territory.

Regional News

  1. Middle East: The United States has launched airstrikes against Iranian-backed militia targets in Iraq and Syria, in response to rocket attacks on US personnel in Iraq.
  2. Africa: The African Union has suspended Mali from its membership following a military coup in the country, amid concerns over the stability of the region.
  3. Asia-Pacific: Japan and South Korea have agreed to work together to address North Korea's nuclear program, following a meeting between their leaders in Tokyo.
  4. Europe: The European Union has launched an investigation into allegations of human rights abuses by Chinese companies in Xinjiang, amid concerns over the treatment of Uyghur Muslims in the region.
  5. Latin America: The United States and Mexico have agreed to work together to address the surge in migrants crossing the US-Mexico border, amid concerns over the impact on national security and public health.

Business and Economy

  1. Global economy: The International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for global economic growth in 2023, citing concerns over the impact of the war in Ukraine and rising inflation.
  2. Stock markets: Global stock markets have fallen sharply in response to the war in Ukraine and concerns over the global economy, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling by over 1,000 points.
  3. Oil prices: Oil prices have surged to their highest level in years, amid concerns over the impact of the war in Ukraine on global energy supplies.
  4. Cryptocurrency: The value of Bitcoin has fallen sharply, amid concerns over the stability of the cryptocurrency market and the impact of the war in Ukraine on global financial markets.
  5. Trade: The United States and China have agreed to a trade deal, following months of negotiations, amid concerns over the impact of the trade war on global trade and economic growth.