Cnn breaking news today

Here are the latest breaking news updates from CNN:

Top Stories

  1. COVID-19: US cases surge past 30 million: The United States has now reported more than 30 million cases of COVID-19, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The country is averaging over 100,000 new cases per day.
  2. Trump's tax returns: House Democrats subpoena Trump's accounting firm: The House Ways and Means Committee has subpoenaed Trump's accounting firm, Mazars USA, to turn over six years of Trump's tax returns. The move is part of an investigation into whether Trump's tax returns are being used to influence his policy decisions.
  3. Iran's nuclear program: International inspectors detect uranium particles at undeclared site: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has detected uranium particles at an undeclared site in Iran, raising concerns about the country's nuclear program.
  4. Wildfires: California declares state of emergency as fires rage: California has declared a state of emergency as multiple wildfires continue to burn across the state, forcing thousands of people to evacuate.
  5. Economy: US GDP growth slows to 2.1% in Q2: The US economy grew at a slower pace than expected in the second quarter, with GDP increasing by 2.1%. The slowdown is attributed to a decline in consumer spending and a rise in imports.

International News

  1. Hong Kong: China imposes national security law on Hong Kong: China has imposed a national security law on Hong Kong, which critics say will erode the city's autonomy and freedoms.
  2. North Korea: Kim Jong-un's sister appears in public for first time in months: Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, has appeared in public for the first time in months, sparking speculation about her role in the country's leadership.
  3. Russia: Putin signs law allowing him to serve two more terms as president: Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law allowing him to serve two more terms as president, potentially keeping him in power until 2036.

US News

  1. Politics: Trump's approval rating hits new low: President Trump's approval rating has hit a new low, according to a Gallup poll, with only 38% of Americans approving of his job performance.
  2. Education: Trump administration to roll back Obama-era student loan rules: The Trump administration is set to roll back Obama-era rules that protected student loan borrowers from predatory lending practices.
  3. Healthcare: Senate Republicans unveil new healthcare bill: Senate Republicans have unveiled a new healthcare bill that would repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

These are just some of the latest breaking news updates from CNN. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the day!