Cnn breaking news meme generator

A CNN Breaking News meme generator! Here's a simple one:

CNN Breaking News Meme Generator

Enter your meme text: ___

Choose a meme template:

  1. Breaking News
  2. Wolf Blitzer's Serious Face
  3. Anderson Cooper's Confused Expression
  4. Don Lemon's Sassy Smirk
  5. Jake Tapper's Serious Journalist Face

Add a caption: ___

Generate Meme!

Here are some examples:

Breaking News [Image of a cat playing the piano] BREAKING NEWS: Feline pianist discovered in local park!

Wolf Blitzer's Serious Face [Image of Wolf Blitzer with a serious expression] BREAKING NEWS: Wolf Blitzer's eyebrows are still perfectly groomed!

Anderson Cooper's Confused Expression [Image of Anderson Cooper looking confused] BREAKING NEWS: Anderson Cooper still can't figure out how to use Snapchat!

Don Lemon's Sassy Smirk [Image of Don Lemon with a sassy smirk] BREAKING NEWS: Don Lemon's hair is still on point!

Jake Tapper's Serious Journalist Face [Image of Jake Tapper with a serious journalist face] BREAKING NEWS: Jake Tapper still has the most serious face in journalism!

Feel free to get creative and generate your own memes!