Closest location to arkansas from new york

A trip from the Empire State to the Natural State!

The closest location to Arkansas from New York depends on your specific starting location in New York. However, I can provide you with some approximate driving distances and times to help you plan your trip:

  1. New York City, NY:
    • Distance to Little Rock, AR: approximately 1,140 miles (1,835 km), 17 hours 30 minutes driving time
    • Distance to Fayetteville, AR: approximately 1,170 miles (1,883 km), 18 hours driving time
  2. Buffalo, NY:
    • Distance to Little Rock, AR: approximately 1,070 miles (1,722 km), 16 hours 30 minutes driving time
    • Distance to Fayetteville, AR: approximately 1,100 miles (1,770 km), 17 hours driving time
  3. Albany, NY:
    • Distance to Little Rock, AR: approximately 1,030 miles (1,658 km), 15 hours 30 minutes driving time
    • Distance to Fayetteville, AR: approximately 1,060 miles (1,706 km), 16 hours driving time

Keep in mind that these estimates assume you'll be taking the most direct routes, which are primarily along highways like I-80, I-40, and I-30. However, you may want to consider stopping at rest stops, taking breaks, and adjusting your route to accommodate your personal preferences and needs.

If you're looking for a more scenic route or want to explore other destinations along the way, you can use mapping tools like Google Maps or Roadtrippers to plan your trip.