Closed state to new jersey

You're looking for information on traveling from a closed state to New Jersey!

As of now, there are some states that have closed their borders or implemented travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you're planning to travel from one of these states to New Jersey, here's what you need to know:

States with travel restrictions or closed borders:

  1. New York: New York has implemented a travel advisory, recommending that non-essential travel be avoided. However, there are no restrictions on traveling to New Jersey from New York.
  2. Connecticut: Connecticut has a travel advisory in place, but there are no restrictions on traveling to New Jersey from Connecticut.
  3. New Hampshire: New Hampshire has a travel advisory, but there are no restrictions on traveling to New Jersey from New Hampshire.
  4. Vermont: Vermont has a travel advisory, but there are no restrictions on traveling to New Jersey from Vermont.

Travel requirements for New Jersey:

  1. Quarantine: If you're traveling from a state with a high COVID-19 transmission rate, you may be required to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in New Jersey.
  2. Mask mandate: Wearing a mask is mandatory in all public places, including transportation hubs, restaurants, and retail stores.
  3. Health screening: You may be required to undergo a health screening, including a temperature check, upon arrival in New Jersey.

Before traveling to New Jersey:

  1. Check the New Jersey Department of Health's website for the latest travel advisories and requirements.
  2. Monitor your health: If you're experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, do not travel to New Jersey.
  3. Plan ahead: Book your accommodations and transportation in advance to ensure availability.
  4. Pack accordingly: Bring a mask, hand sanitizer, and any necessary medications.

Remember to always follow the guidelines and restrictions in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Safe travels!