Close new event by global digital management

You're referring to the "Close New Event" feature by Global Digital Management!

For those who may not know, Global Digital Management is a company that provides digital solutions for businesses, including event management software. The "Close New Event" feature is likely a part of their platform that allows users to finalize and close a new event after it has been created.

Here's a general overview of what the "Close New Event" feature might entail:

  1. Event Completion: The user has completed all necessary steps to create a new event, including setting dates, times, locations, and other details.
  2. Review and Verification: The user reviews the event details to ensure everything is accurate and complete. They may also verify the event's status, such as confirming the date and time.
  3. Finalize Event: The user clicks the "Close New Event" button to finalize the event. This action typically triggers a series of automated processes, such as:
    • Sending notifications to attendees or stakeholders.
    • Updating the event's status to "Closed" or "Completed".
    • Archiving the event for future reference.
  4. Event Record: The event is now recorded in the system, and all relevant information is stored for future reference.

By closing a new event, users can ensure that all necessary details are captured, and the event is properly documented for future reference. This feature helps streamline event management processes, reducing the risk of errors or omissions.

If you have any specific questions about the "Close New Event" feature or need further assistance, feel free to ask!