Clone ubuntu parttion to a new ssd

A great way to breathe new life into an old system!

Cloning an Ubuntu partition to a new SSD is a relatively straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you do so:


  1. Backup your data: Before cloning your partition, make sure to backup any important files and data to an external drive or cloud storage.
  2. Prepare the new SSD: Connect the new SSD to your system and make sure it's recognized by Ubuntu. You can check this by running lsblk in the terminal.
  3. Check the partition layout: Run sudo parted /dev/sda print (replace /dev/sda with the device name of your current Ubuntu partition) to check the current partition layout. Take note of the partition numbers and sizes.

Cloning the partition

  1. Use dd command: The dd command is a powerful tool for copying data. Run the following command to clone your Ubuntu partition:
    sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=4M

    Replace /dev/sda1 with the device name of your current Ubuntu partition (e.g., /dev/sda1, /dev/nvme0n1p1, etc.) and /dev/sdb1 with the device name of your new SSD partition (e.g., /dev/sdb1, /dev/nvme1n1p1, etc.).

The bs=4M option specifies the block size, which can improve performance. You can adjust this value depending on your system's requirements. 2. Monitor the progress: The cloning process may take some time, depending on the size of your partition and the speed of your system. You can monitor the progress by running sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=4M in the terminal. 3. Verify the clone: Once the cloning process is complete, run sudo fsck /dev/sdb1 to verify the integrity of the cloned partition.

Final steps

  1. Update the bootloader: Run sudo update-grub to update the bootloader configuration to point to the new SSD partition.
  2. Remove the old partition: If you're not planning to use the old SSD, you can remove the old partition by running sudo parted /dev/sda rm 1 (replace /dev/sda with the device name of your old SSD).
  3. Boot from the new SSD: Reboot your system and make sure it boots from the new SSD partition.

That's it! Your Ubuntu partition should now be cloned to the new SSD.