Cloak and dagger back breaker

A classic wrestling move!

The "Cloak and Dagger" is a professional wrestling move, also known as the "Backbreaker" or "Clothesline Backbreaker". It's a type of submission hold where the wrestler applies pressure to the opponent's back, often causing significant pain and discomfort.

Here's a breakdown of the move:

  1. The wrestler grabs the opponent's arms and pulls them back, creating a "cloak" effect.
  2. As the opponent's arms are pulled back, the wrestler drops down, using their own body weight to apply pressure to the opponent's back.
  3. The wrestler then uses their legs to lift the opponent's legs up and over their own head, creating a "dagger" effect.
  4. The opponent's back is now bent and twisted, causing significant pressure and discomfort.
  5. The wrestler can then apply additional pressure by pulling on the opponent's arms or legs, or by using their body weight to maintain the hold.

The "Cloak and Dagger" is often used as a finishing move, as it can be a very effective way to wear down an opponent and set them up for a pin or submission. It's a move that requires good timing, strength, and technique, but can be a very effective tool in a wrestler's arsenal.