Cleric tasks fg ban prostitution says laziness

It seems like you're sharing a humorous take on a cleric's tasks in the game Final Fantasy (FG) and their stance on prostitution, with a dash of laziness thrown in.

For those who may not be familiar, a cleric is a character class in the Final Fantasy series that specializes in healing and supporting allies. In the context of your statement, it's likely that the cleric is tasked with, well, not exactly "banning" prostitution, but perhaps more like "condemning" or "opposing" it.

The addition of "says laziness" at the end suggests that the cleric might be a bit...relaxed about the whole situation, perhaps even a bit too laid-back. It's as if they're saying, "Prostitution? Meh, I'll get to it eventually... maybe after I finish my nap."

Overall, your statement has a lighthearted and playful tone, poking fun at the idea of a cleric being tasked with such a serious issue while also being a bit...unmotivated.