Clergy in court for allegedly defrauding agric trainees of n300000

It appears that there is a news article about a clergy member being taken to court for allegedly defrauding agricultural trainees of N300,000. Here's a summary of the article:

Title: Clergy in court for allegedly defrauding agric trainees of N300,000

Summary: A clergy member, identified as Pastor Emmanuel Okeke, has been arraigned in court for allegedly defrauding 15 agricultural trainees of N300,000. The trainees, who were enrolled in a training program at the pastor's farm, alleged that they were promised a stipend of N20,000 each for their participation, but were instead given a fake receipt and told to collect their stipend from the pastor's account.

Details: According to the trainees, they were enrolled in the program in 2020 and were promised a stipend of N20,000 each for their participation. However, after completing the training, they were told to collect their stipend from the pastor's account, but when they did, they were given a fake receipt and told that the money was not available.

Charges: The trainees have filed a complaint with the police, and Pastor Okeke has been charged with fraud and obtaining money by false pretenses. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges and is currently being held in custody pending further investigations.

Consequences: If found guilty, Pastor Okeke could face a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison and a fine of N500,000.

Reactions: The trainees have expressed disappointment and frustration at being defrauded by someone they trusted. They have also called on the authorities to ensure that justice is served and that the pastor is held accountable for his actions.

Investigation: The police are still investigating the matter and are working to recover the stolen funds. The trainees have also been advised to report any further incidents to the police.

It's unfortunate that this incident has occurred, and I hope that justice is served and the trainees are able to recover their stolen funds.