Clear previous data and load new ones into adapter android

A common question!

To clear previous data and load new ones into an adapter in Android, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Clear the adapter and reload the data

  1. Get a reference to your adapter instance.
  2. Clear the adapter's data using the clear() method.
  3. Reload the data into the adapter using the addAll() or add() methods.


MyAdapter adapter = (MyAdapter) listView.getAdapter();
adapter.addAll(newData); // newData is a new list of data

Method 2: Use a new adapter instance

  1. Create a new instance of your adapter class.
  2. Pass the new data to the adapter's constructor or addAll() method.
  3. Set the new adapter instance to the ListView or RecyclerView using the setAdapter() method.


MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(newData); // newData is a new list of data

Method 3: Use a custom adapter method

If your adapter has a method to clear and reload the data, you can use that method. For example:

public class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<MyData> {

    public void reloadData(List<MyData> newData) {

Then, you can call the reloadData() method to clear and reload the data:

MyAdapter adapter = (MyAdapter) listView.getAdapter();
adapter.reload(newData); // newData is a new list of data

Remember to update the UI by calling notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter after clearing and reloading the data:


This will trigger the adapter to update the ListView or RecyclerView with the new data.