Cleaninh new borns at birth

Cleaning a newborn at birth is a crucial step in ensuring their health and well-being. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean a newborn at birth:

Why clean a newborn at birth?

Cleaning a newborn at birth helps to:

  1. Remove vernix caseosa: Vernix caseosa is a thick, waxy substance that covers the skin of a newborn. Removing it helps to prevent skin irritation and infection.
  2. Prevent meconium staining: Meconium is the first stool of a newborn, and it can stain the skin. Cleaning the newborn helps to prevent meconium staining and reduces the risk of infection.
  3. Promote bonding: Cleaning a newborn at birth helps to promote bonding between the mother and baby, as it allows for skin-to-skin contact and helps to establish a sense of closeness.

How to clean a newborn at birth:

  1. Gather supplies: You'll need the following supplies:
    • Warm water
    • Mild soap or baby wash
    • Soft, clean towels
    • A clean, warm cloth for drying
  2. Prepare the newborn: Before cleaning the newborn, make sure they are in a warm, quiet environment. You can also use a warm compress or a heating pad on a low setting to help relax the newborn.
  3. Clean the face: Gently wipe the newborn's face with a clean, damp cloth. Be careful around the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  4. Clean the head: Use a clean, damp cloth to gently wipe the newborn's head, including the hairline and ears.
  5. Clean the body: Use a clean, damp cloth to gently wipe the newborn's body, starting from the top and working your way down. Be gentle around the genital area and avoid using soap or water in this area.
  6. Clean the genital area: Use a clean, damp cloth to gently wipe the newborn's genital area. You can also use a warm compress or a cotton ball soaked in warm water to clean the area.
  7. Dry the newborn: Use a clean, warm cloth to gently pat the newborn dry, paying extra attention to the genital area.
  8. Keep the newborn warm: After cleaning and drying the newborn, keep them warm by wrapping them in a blanket or using a warm, humidified incubator.

Tips and precautions:

Remember, it's essential to follow proper hygiene and sanitation procedures when cleaning a newborn at birth to ensure their health and well-being. If you're unsure about how to clean a newborn or have any concerns, consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.