Claudia nelson pii_email_e637a74ef1491286f476 payroll manager new york new york
It appears that you're looking for information about Claudia Nelson, a Payroll Manager based in New York, New York. Here's what I could find:
Name: Claudia Nelson Title: Payroll Manager Location: New York, New York Email: pii_email_e637a74ef1491286f476
Unfortunately, I couldn't find much more information about Claudia Nelson, as this appears to be a private individual's contact information. If you're looking to get in touch with her for a specific reason, such as a job inquiry or a business proposal, you may want to consider reaching out to her via email or LinkedIn (if she has a profile).
If you're looking for more information about payroll management or payroll services in New York, I'd be happy to help with that as well!