Classiq new videos

Classiq is a popular YouTube channel known for its high-quality educational content on various topics, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Here are some of the latest videos from Classiq:

Recent Videos:

  1. "The Science of Dreams" (Released on March 15, 2023) - Explore the fascinating world of dreams and learn about the latest research on the science of dreaming.
  2. "The Physics of Roller Coasters" (Released on February 22, 2023) - Dive into the world of roller coasters and learn about the physics behind their thrilling rides.
  3. "The Biology of Sleep" (Released on January 25, 2023) - Discover the importance of sleep and learn about the biological processes that occur during this critical period.
  4. "The Chemistry of Cooking" (Released on December 14, 2022) - Explore the fascinating world of cooking and learn about the chemical reactions that occur in your kitchen.
  5. "The Math of Music" (Released on November 16, 2022) - Learn about the mathematical concepts that underlie music and how they shape our musical experiences.

Popular Videos:

  1. "The Science of Happiness" (Released on October 12, 2022) - Explore the latest research on happiness and learn about the factors that contribute to a happy life.
  2. "The Physics of Football" (Released on September 14, 2022) - Dive into the world of football and learn about the physics behind the game.
  3. "The Biology of Exercise" (Released on August 17, 2022) - Discover the benefits of exercise and learn about the biological processes that occur during physical activity.
  4. "The Chemistry of Food" (Released on July 20, 2022) - Explore the fascinating world of food and learn about the chemical reactions that occur during cooking and digestion.
  5. "The Math of Finance" (Released on June 15, 2022) - Learn about the mathematical concepts that underlie finance and how they shape our economic decisions.

These are just a few examples of the many great videos available on the Classiq channel. I hope you find something that interests you!