Classification society invitation letter to inspect approve new ship

Here is a sample invitation letter from a classification society to inspect and approve a new ship:

[Classification Society's Logo] [Classification Society's Name] [Address] [City, Country] [Date]

[Shipowner's Name] [Shipowner's Company] [Address] [City, Country]

Subject: Invitation to Inspect and Approve New Ship

Dear [Shipowner's Name],

We are pleased to inform you that our classification society, [Classification Society's Name], has been appointed to carry out the classification survey and approval of your new ship, [Ship's Name], with IMO Number [IMO Number]. We are writing to invite you to participate in the inspection and approval process.

The purpose of this inspection is to verify that the ship meets the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the International Convention on Load Lines (LL), and other relevant international and national regulations. Our surveyors will conduct a thorough inspection of the ship's hull, machinery, and equipment to ensure that they are in compliance with the relevant standards and regulations.

The inspection is scheduled to take place on [Date] at [Port/Location]. Our surveyors will be present on board the ship from [Time] to [Time] to conduct the inspection. We kindly request that you ensure that the ship is ready for inspection and that all necessary documentation is available for review.

During the inspection, our surveyors will be checking the following:

We will also be conducting a series of tests and trials to verify the ship's performance and compliance with the relevant regulations.

We would like to request your presence on board the ship during the inspection to answer any questions our surveyors may have and to provide any additional information that may be required. We also kindly request that you ensure that all crew members are available to assist our surveyors during the inspection.

Please note that the inspection is subject to the weather conditions and the availability of the ship. We will keep you informed of any changes to the inspection schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the inspection, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you to ensure that your new ship meets the required standards and regulations.

Thank you for your cooperation.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Classification Society's Name]

CC: [Ship's Master's Name], [Ship's Master's Email], [Ship's Master's Phone Number]

Note: This is a sample letter and may need to be modified to fit the specific requirements of the classification society and the shipowner.