Classification of the media into old and new

The classification of media into old and new is a common way to distinguish between traditional forms of media and newer, digital forms of media. Here are some examples of old and new media:

Old Media:

  1. Print Media:
    • Newspapers
    • Magazines
    • Books
  2. Broadcast Media:
    • Television
    • Radio
  3. Traditional Advertising:
    • Billboards
    • Print ads in newspapers and magazines
    • Television commercials
  4. Film and Video:
    • Movies
    • VHS tapes
    • DVDs

New Media:

  1. Digital Media:
    • Online newspapers and magazines
    • Blogs
    • Social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
    • Online video platforms (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo)
  2. Digital Advertising:
    • Online display ads
    • Search engine marketing (SEM)
    • Mobile advertising
  3. Digital Audio:
    • Podcasts
    • Online radio stations
    • Music streaming services (e.g. Spotify, Apple Music)
  4. Digital Film and Video:
    • Online video streaming services (e.g. Netflix, Hulu)
    • Online movie rentals and purchases
    • User-generated content platforms (e.g. YouTube, TikTok)

Hybrid Media:

  1. Online Newspapers and Magazines: Many traditional print publications now have online versions, offering a mix of old and new media.
  2. Online Radio and Podcasts: Some radio stations and podcasts offer both traditional broadcast and online streaming options.
  3. Digital Film and Video Distribution: Many movies and TV shows are now distributed online, offering a mix of traditional and new media.

It's worth noting that the distinction between old and new media is not always clear-cut, and many forms of media have evolved over time to incorporate new technologies and platforms. Additionally, the lines between old and new media are often blurred, and many forms of media now exist in both traditional and digital forms.