Classification of feature news

Feature news can be classified into several categories based on their content, tone, and purpose. Here are some common classifications of feature news:

  1. Human Interest Stories: These stories focus on the personal experiences and stories of individuals, often with a emotional or uplifting tone. Examples: profiles of people who have overcome challenges, stories of everyday heroes, etc.
  2. Investigative Reports: These stories involve in-depth research and investigation to uncover facts, expose wrongdoing, or shed light on important issues. Examples: exposés on corruption, government scandals, etc.
  3. Lifestyle Features: These stories focus on topics related to daily life, such as entertainment, fashion, travel, food, and culture. Examples: reviews of new restaurants, profiles of celebrities, etc.
  4. In-Depth Analysis: These stories provide in-depth analysis and commentary on current events, issues, and trends. Examples: analysis of political developments, economic trends, etc.
  5. Profile Pieces: These stories focus on the life and work of a particular individual, often with a focus on their achievements, challenges, and experiences. Examples: profiles of business leaders, artists, athletes, etc.
  6. Special Reports: These stories are designed to provide comprehensive coverage of a specific topic or issue, often with a focus on the impact on society or the community. Examples: reports on natural disasters, economic crises, etc.
  7. Features with a Twist: These stories take a unique approach to storytelling, often using creative formats, such as interactive features, videos, or podcasts. Examples: interactive quizzes, virtual reality experiences, etc.
  8. Narrative Journalism: These stories use storytelling techniques to convey complex information and ideas, often with a focus on character development and narrative structure. Examples: long-form articles, serialized stories, etc.
  9. Explainer Pieces: These stories provide clear and concise explanations of complex topics, often with a focus on education and awareness. Examples: explainers on scientific concepts, historical events, etc.
  10. Listicles: These stories present information in a list format, often with a focus on entertainment, humor, or inspiration. Examples: lists of "top 10" movies, books, or songs, etc.
  11. Photo Essays: These stories use photographs to tell a story, often with a focus on visual storytelling and narrative. Examples: photo essays on social issues, environmental concerns, etc.
  12. Video Features: These stories use video to tell a story, often with a focus on visual storytelling and narrative. Examples: video profiles, documentaries, etc.

These classifications are not mutually exclusive, and many feature news stories may overlap between categories.