Classic but new advert

A classic but new advert! Here's a potential idea:

Product: Coca-Cola

Classic Advert: The iconic "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)" commercial from 1971, featuring a multicultural group of people singing together in harmony.

New Twist: Update the commercial to reflect modern society, while maintaining the same message of unity and togetherness.

New Advert:

The commercial opens with a diverse group of people from different backgrounds and ages, all gathered in a large outdoor space. They're all holding smartphones and tablets, and the camera pans across the group to show the various devices they're using.

As the music starts, the group begins to sing the familiar melody, but this time with a modern twist. They're all singing along to the song, but they're also incorporating their own languages, accents, and cultural references into the lyrics.

The camera cuts to a montage of the group using their devices to connect with each other and the world around them. They're sharing photos, videos, and messages, and the camera shows the impact that these connections are having on their lives.

As the song reaches its climax, the group comes together to sing in perfect harmony, with their devices held aloft like candles. The camera pans out to show the entire group, and the screen fades to black with the Coca-Cola logo and the tagline "Taste the Feeling" appearing on screen.

Why it works:

Target Audience:

Media Channels:

Budget Allocation:


Total Budget: $1.5 million