Clash of clans new update 2019 download

You're excited about the new update of Clash of Clans!

As of 2019, the latest update of Clash of Clans is version 12.0.5, which was released on June 25, 2019. This update brought several new features and improvements to the game, including:

  1. New Dark Elixir Drill: A new Dark Elixir Drill that can be upgraded to produce more Dark Elixir.
  2. Dark Elixir Storage: Increased Dark Elixir storage capacity.
  3. New Dark Elixir Troops: Two new Dark Elixir troops, the Witch and the Golem, were added to the game.
  4. New Dark Elixir Spells: Two new Dark Elixir spells, the Inferno Tower and the Earthquake, were added to the game.
  5. Improved Clan Wars: New features and improvements were added to Clan Wars, including a new War League system and War Leagues.
  6. New Achievements: New achievements were added to the game, including Dark Elixir and Clan War achievements.
  7. Bug Fixes: Several bugs were fixed in this update, including issues with the game's audio and graphics.

To download the latest update of Clash of Clans, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store (for Android devices) or the App Store (for iOS devices).
  2. Search for "Clash of Clans" and select the game from the search results.
  3. Tap the "Update" button to download and install the latest version of the game.

Note: Make sure your device is compatible with the latest version of Clash of Clans. If you're experiencing any issues with the update, try restarting your device or checking the game's official forums for troubleshooting tips.