Ciwa advocates new media in the teaching of catechism

A very interesting topic!

CIWA (Catechetical Institute for Women and Adolescents) is a Catholic organization that aims to promote the teaching of catechism to women and adolescents. In recent years, CIWA has been advocating for the use of new media in the teaching of catechism, recognizing the importance of technology in today's digital age.

Here are some ways CIWA is promoting the use of new media in catechism teaching:

  1. Online courses and resources: CIWA offers online courses, videos, and other digital resources to help catechists and teachers incorporate new media into their teaching methods. These resources cover various topics, including Catholic doctrine, morality, and spirituality.
  2. Social media engagement: CIWA encourages catechists and teachers to use social media platforms to engage with their students and promote catechism teaching. This can include sharing relevant articles, videos, and quotes, as well as hosting online discussions and Q&A sessions.
  3. Digital storytelling: CIWA promotes the use of digital storytelling techniques, such as video and podcasting, to help catechists convey complex theological concepts in an engaging and accessible way.
  4. Mobile apps and games: CIWA has developed mobile apps and games that can be used to teach catechism concepts, such as the Our Father prayer or the Ten Commandments. These interactive tools can help make learning more fun and engaging for students.
  5. Collaboration with influencers: CIWA partners with Catholic influencers and content creators to produce engaging content that can be used in catechism teaching. This can include videos, podcasts, and blog posts on various Catholic topics.

By embracing new media, CIWA aims to make catechism teaching more effective, engaging, and accessible to a wider audience. By leveraging technology, catechists and teachers can reach more students, make learning more enjoyable, and help build a stronger Catholic community.