Civil engineering jobs in new zealand

New Zealand is a popular destination for civil engineers, with a strong demand for skilled professionals in the industry. Here are some civil engineering job opportunities in New Zealand:

  1. Structural Engineer at Beca (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Design and develop structural solutions for buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure projects.
  2. Civil Engineer at WSP Opus (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Work on a variety of civil engineering projects, including transportation, water, and environmental infrastructure.
  3. Transportation Engineer at Jacobs (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Design and manage transportation infrastructure projects, including roads, highways, and public transportation systems.
  4. Water Engineer at GHD (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Develop and implement water management solutions for urban and rural areas.
  5. Geotechnical Engineer at Coffey (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Conduct site investigations and design geotechnical solutions for infrastructure projects.
  6. Bridge Engineer at Tonkin + Taylor (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Design and manage bridge construction projects, including highway and rail bridges.
  7. Environmental Engineer at Mott MacDonald (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Develop and implement environmental solutions for infrastructure projects, including wastewater treatment and stormwater management.
  8. Construction Manager at Fletcher Building (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Oversee the construction of civil engineering projects, including buildings, roads, and bridges.
  9. Project Manager at Downer Group (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
    • Manage civil engineering projects, including transportation, water, and environmental infrastructure.
  10. Research and Development Engineer at the University of Auckland (Auckland)
    • Conduct research and development in civil engineering, including materials science and structural engineering.

These are just a few examples of civil engineering job opportunities in New Zealand. You can search for more job openings on websites such as:

Remember to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job you're applying for, and be prepared to demonstrate your skills and experience in civil engineering.