City people janaury 16 news on primate ayodele

I'm assuming you're referring to the popular Nigerian prophet, Primate Ayodele. Here's a summary of news related to him on January 16th:

Primate Ayodele Predicts 2023 Elections Outcome

On January 16th, Primate Ayodele, the founder of the Inri Evangelical Spiritual Church, made some predictions about the 2023 Nigerian general elections. According to reports, he predicted that the presidential election would be won by a candidate from the South-West region of Nigeria.

Primate Ayodele Warns of Impending Doom

In a separate development, Primate Ayodele warned Nigerians of an impending doom that would befall the country if the 2023 elections were not conducted peacefully. He urged Nigerians to pray and seek God's intervention to prevent any form of violence or bloodshed during the elections.

Primate Ayodele's Prophecy on the Economy

Primate Ayodele also made some prophecies about the Nigerian economy. He predicted that the country's economy would experience a significant downturn in 2023, but warned that this could be averted if the government took necessary steps to address the country's economic challenges.

Primate Ayodele's Message to Nigerians

In a message to Nigerians, Primate Ayodele urged them to remain calm and peaceful, and to avoid any form of violence or hatred. He also called on Nigerians to pray for the country and its leaders, and to seek God's guidance and direction in the coming year.

Please note that these are just summaries of news reports and may not reflect the full extent of Primate Ayodele's prophecies or messages.