City of david new church

The City of David (Hebrew: עיר דויד, Ir David) is an archaeological site in Jerusalem, Israel, that is believed to be the original city of King David, the second king of Israel. The site is located just outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, near the Gihon Spring, which is the oldest and largest spring in Jerusalem.

The City of David is home to the new Church of St. Anne, which is a beautiful and historic church that is dedicated to the mother of the Virgin Mary, St. Anne. The church is located in the heart of the City of David and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Jerusalem.

Here are some interesting facts about the City of David and the Church of St. Anne:

  1. The City of David is an archaeological site that dates back to the 10th century BCE, during the time of King David.
  2. The site was excavated in the 19th century by the British archaeologist Charles Warren, who discovered the ancient city's water system, including the Pool of Siloam and the Hezekiah's Tunnel.
  3. The Church of St. Anne is a beautiful example of Crusader architecture and is believed to be built on the site where St. Anne's house once stood.
  4. The church is decorated with intricate stone carvings and mosaics, and features a beautiful courtyard and a chapel.
  5. The Church of St. Anne is a popular tourist attraction and is considered one of the most beautiful and historic churches in Jerusalem.
  6. The City of David and the Church of St. Anne are both located in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, making them easily accessible to visitors.
  7. The site is also home to the Davidson Center, a museum that showcases the history and archaeology of the City of David.

Overall, the City of David and the Church of St. Anne are two of the most important and historic sites in Jerusalem, and are a must-see for anyone interested in history, archaeology, and religion.