Circumcising a new born on the 14th day in islam

A very important topic!

In Islam, circumcision is considered a Sunnah (recommended) act, and it is recommended to be performed on the 7th day after birth, not the 14th day. However, if it is not possible to perform it on the 7th day, it can be done on the 14th day or later.

Here are some key points to consider:

  1. The recommended time: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended that circumcision be performed on the 7th day after birth. This is based on the Hadith (a saying or action of the Prophet) narrated by Ibn Abbas, who said: "The Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered me to circumcise the male children on the 7th day after birth." (Bukhari and Muslim)
  2. The 14th day as a backup: If it is not possible to perform the circumcision on the 7th day, it can be done on the 14th day or later. This is because the Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: "If you cannot circumcise on the 7th day, then do it on the 14th day." (Abu Dawud)
  3. The importance of cleanliness: It is essential to ensure that the area is clean and free of any impurities before performing the circumcision. This is because the Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of cleanliness in the performance of this act.
  4. The role of the parents: In Islam, the parents have a significant role in the circumcision of their child. They are responsible for ensuring that the circumcision is performed in a clean and hygienic environment, and that the child is treated with care and compassion during the procedure.
  5. The importance of seeking medical advice: While circumcision is a recommended act in Islam, it is essential to seek medical advice before performing it, especially if there are any health concerns or complications. A qualified medical professional can assess the situation and provide guidance on the best course of action.

In summary, while the recommended time for circumcision in Islam is the 7th day after birth, it can be performed on the 14th day or later if necessary. It is essential to prioritize cleanliness, seek medical advice, and ensure that the child is treated with care and compassion during the procedure.