Circumcising a new born on the 14th day in idlam

A very specific and important question!

In Islam, the timing of circumcision is not strictly regulated, but there are some guidelines and recommendations. Here's what I found:

The Hadith (Prophetic Tradition)

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: "Circumcision is a tradition of the Prophets, and it is a purification for the child." (Bukhari and Muslim)

The Islamic Scholars' Opinion

Many Islamic scholars recommend that circumcision be performed as soon as possible after birth, but not necessarily on the 14th day. The 14th day is considered a significant milestone in Islamic tradition, as it marks the end of the "impurity" period after birth, but it is not a specific requirement for circumcision.

The 14th Day in Islamic Tradition

In Islamic tradition, the 14th day after birth is considered a significant milestone because it marks the end of the "impurity" period after birth. This period is known as "ihram" or "janabah," which is a state of ritual impurity that requires a person to perform a ritual bath (ghusl) before resuming normal worship and daily activities.

Circumcision on the 14th Day

While some scholars recommend performing circumcision on the 14th day, others argue that it is not a specific requirement. In fact, many scholars recommend performing circumcision as soon as possible after birth, as long as it is done in a safe and hygienic manner.


In summary, while the 14th day after birth is a significant milestone in Islamic tradition, it is not a specific requirement for circumcision. The timing of circumcision is ultimately left to the discretion of the parents and the medical professionals involved. It is recommended to consult with a qualified Islamic scholar or a trusted healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for your child's circumcision.