Circuit breakers with size of cable termination

A very specific and important topic!

When selecting a circuit breaker, it's crucial to consider the size of the cable termination to ensure a proper and safe connection. Here's a general guide to help you choose the right circuit breaker with the correct cable termination size:

Cable Termination Size

Cable termination sizes are typically measured in square millimeters (mm²) or American Wire Gauge (AWG). The most common sizes are:

Circuit Breaker Size

Circuit breakers also have a specific size, which is usually indicated by the manufacturer. The size is typically measured in amperes (A) or kiloamperes (kA). The most common sizes are:

Matching Cable Termination Size to Circuit Breaker Size

To ensure a proper connection, you need to match the cable termination size to the circuit breaker size. Here are some general guidelines:

Important Considerations

When selecting a circuit breaker, also consider the following factors:

Remember to always consult the manufacturer's specifications and guidelines for the specific circuit breaker and cable you are using. If in doubt, consult with a qualified electrician or engineer.