Circuit breaker for sumo

A unique request!

For a Sumo wrestling circuit breaker, I'll assume you're looking for a device that can detect when a Sumo wrestler has been knocked out or has given up, and then interrupt the match to prevent further injury or unfair advantage.

Here's a hypothetical design for a Sumo circuit breaker:


  1. Impact sensor: A sensitive accelerometer or force sensor attached to the Sumo ring or the wrestler's body to detect the impact of a knockdown or a submission.
  2. Timer: A timer that starts when the match begins and stops when the impact sensor detects a knockdown or submission.
  3. Microcontroller: A small computer that processes the data from the impact sensor and timer to determine when the match should be interrupted.
  4. Output device: A buzzer, bell, or light that signals the referee or judges to stop the match.

How it works:

  1. The impact sensor is attached to the Sumo ring or the wrestler's body.
  2. When a Sumo wrestler is knocked down or submits, the impact sensor detects the force and sends a signal to the microcontroller.
  3. The microcontroller checks the timer to ensure that the match has exceeded a predetermined duration (e.g., 30 seconds).
  4. If the match has exceeded the predetermined duration or the impact sensor detects a knockdown or submission, the microcontroller sends a signal to the output device.
  5. The output device sounds a buzzer, rings a bell, or lights up to signal the referee or judges to stop the match.

Additional features:

  1. Automatic restart: The circuit breaker could be designed to automatically restart the match after a predetermined time (e.g., 5 minutes) if the wrestlers agree to continue.
  2. Multi-wrestler support: The circuit breaker could be modified to support multiple wrestlers, allowing it to detect and interrupt matches involving multiple Sumo wrestlers.
  3. Customizable settings: The circuit breaker could be programmed to adjust the sensitivity of the impact sensor, the duration of the match, and other settings to accommodate different Sumo styles or preferences.

Please note that this is a hypothetical design, and actual implementation would require careful consideration of safety, accuracy, and fairness in Sumo wrestling matches.