Circuit breaker diagram schematic

Here is a basic circuit breaker diagram schematic:

Circuit Breaker Schematic

          |  Main Bus    |
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Load 1      |       |  Load 2      |
|  (e.g. Light  |       |  (e.g. Fan   |
|   Bulb)     |       |   Motor)    |
+---------------+       +---------------+
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Load 3      |       |  Load 4      |
|  (e.g. Outlet |       |  (e.g. Outlet |
|   1)        |       |   2)        |
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Circuit    |
|  Breaker    |
|  (e.g. 20A  |
|   Breaker)  |
          |  Neutral    |
          |  (Return)  |


How it works:

  1. The main bus is connected to the circuit breaker.
  2. The loads are connected to the main bus.
  3. When a load is turned on, current flows from the main bus through the load and back to the neutral wire.
  4. If the current exceeds the rating of the circuit breaker, it will trip and break the circuit.
  5. When the circuit breaker trips, it opens the circuit and disconnects the loads from the main bus.
  6. The circuit breaker can be reset by switching it off and then back on.

Types of Circuit Breakers:

