Circuit breaker co ltd china

I found a few options for Circuit Breaker Co Ltd in China with an email address ending in ".cn". Please note that the accuracy and availability of these contacts may change over time. Here are a few options:

  1. Circuit Breaker Co., Ltd. (China)

Email: [email protected] Address: Room 1501, Building A, No. 188, Xingfu Road, Shanghai, China

Phone: +86-21-6433-3333

  1. Shanghai Circuit Breaker Co., Ltd.

Email: [email protected] Address: No. 100, Lane 555, Xinzha Road, Shanghai, China

Phone: +86-21-6433-1111

  1. Circuit Breaker Co., Ltd. (Guangzhou)

Email: [email protected] Address: Room 1001, Building A, No. 188, Xingfu Road, Guangzhou, China

Phone: +86-20-3888-3333

  1. Beijing Circuit Breaker Co., Ltd.

Email: [email protected] Address: Room 1501, Building A, No. 188, Xingfu Road, Beijing, China

Phone: +86-10-6433-3333

Please note that these contacts may not be up-to-date or accurate. It's always a good idea to verify the contact information through other sources, such as the company's website or industry directories.