Cic news morden

You're looking for news from Morden, Manitoba, Canada!

Here are some recent news articles from the Morden Times, a local newspaper that covers news, sports, and events in Morden and surrounding areas:

  1. New hospital wing opens in Morden: The new wing at the Morden Hospital has officially opened, featuring 12 new patient rooms and upgraded facilities. [Source: Morden Times, March 2023]
  2. Morden's downtown revitalization project underway: The City of Morden has launched a downtown revitalization project, which includes upgrades to sidewalks, lighting, and landscaping. [Source: Morden Times, February 2023]
  3. Local business wins award: A Morden-based business, [Business Name], has won an award for its innovative approach to [industry/field]. [Source: Morden Times, January 2023]
  4. Morden's community garden grows: The Morden Community Garden has seen a surge in interest and growth, with new plots available for rent. [Source: Morden Times, April 2023]
  5. Morden's minor hockey team wins championship: The Morden Minor Hockey Association's [Team Name] has won the [League/Division] championship. [Source: Morden Times, March 2023]

You can find more news articles and updates from Morden by visiting the Morden Times website or following local news sources on social media.