Cic news june 2019

Here are some of the top news stories from June 2019 from the Canadian Institute of Child Health (CIC):

June 2019

  1. Childhood Obesity Rates Continue to Rise: According to a new report from the CIC, childhood obesity rates in Canada have continued to rise, with nearly one in five children aged 2-17 considered obese. The report highlights the need for increased efforts to promote healthy eating and physical activity habits in children.
  2. New Study Reveals Impact of Screen Time on Children's Mental Health: A study published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics found that excessive screen time is linked to increased symptoms of anxiety and depression in children. The CIC is urging parents to set limits on screen time and encourage outdoor play and other physical activities.
  3. CIC Launches New Resource for Parents of Children with Autism: The CIC has launched a new online resource for parents of children with autism, providing information and support on topics such as diagnosis, treatment, and education. The resource is designed to help parents navigate the complex system and find the support they need.
  4. Child Poverty Rates Remain High in Canada: According to a report from the CIC, child poverty rates in Canada remain high, with nearly 1 in 5 children living in poverty. The report highlights the need for increased efforts to address poverty and promote economic security for families.
  5. CIC Calls for Increased Funding for Children's Health Research: The CIC is urging the federal government to increase funding for children's health research, citing the need for more research on childhood diseases and conditions. The organization is also calling for increased funding for programs that support children's health and well-being.

These are just a few of the top news stories from the Canadian Institute of Child Health for June 2019. If you're looking for more information on a specific topic, feel free to ask!