Cic new law on relative adoption

You're referring to the new law on relative adoption in Canada!

As of October 1, 2020, the Canadian government has introduced new regulations to make it easier for relatives to adopt children in Canada. Here are the key changes:

What is relative adoption?

Relative adoption, also known as kinship adoption, is the process of adopting a child who is related to you, such as a grandchild, niece, nephew, or sibling.

Changes to the law:

  1. Simplified process: The new law simplifies the process for relatives to adopt children. It eliminates the need for a separate court hearing and reduces the number of steps required to complete the adoption.
  2. Streamlined application: The application process is now more straightforward, and relatives can apply for adoption without having to go through a lengthy and complex process.
  3. Increased support: The government has increased support for relative adoptions by providing more resources and services to help relatives navigate the adoption process.
  4. Flexibility: The new law allows for more flexibility in the adoption process, enabling relatives to make decisions that are best for the child and their family.

Who can adopt?

Under the new law, the following relatives can adopt a child:

  1. Grandparents
  2. Aunts and uncles
  3. Siblings
  4. First cousins
  5. Other relatives who have a close relationship with the child

Benefits of relative adoption:

  1. Stability and continuity: Relative adoption provides stability and continuity for the child, as they are able to remain with a family member they already know and love.
  2. Faster process: The simplified process means that the adoption can be completed more quickly, which is beneficial for the child's well-being and development.
  3. Increased support: Relatives are often already involved in the child's life, so they can provide ongoing support and care.

How to start the process:

If you're interested in adopting a relative, you can start the process by contacting your local child welfare agency or a licensed adoption agency. They will guide you through the application process and provide support throughout the adoption journey.

Remember, the new law aims to make the adoption process more accessible and supportive for relatives, so don't hesitate to reach out if you're considering relative adoption!