Cic manitoba news 2018

Here are some notable news stories from the Canadian Institute of Child Health (CIC) in Manitoba for 2018:

  1. CIC Manitoba launches new website: In January 2018, CIC Manitoba launched a new website to provide easy access to information on child health and well-being in the province. The website features resources for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.
  2. Child poverty rates decline in Manitoba: According to a report released by the CIC in February 2018, child poverty rates in Manitoba declined by 2.5 percentage points between 2015 and 2016. While progress was made, the report noted that child poverty remains a significant issue in the province.
  3. CIC Manitoba releases report on Indigenous child health: In March 2018, the CIC released a report highlighting the significant health disparities faced by Indigenous children in Manitoba. The report called for increased investment in Indigenous-led health initiatives and improved access to healthcare services.
  4. Manitoba government invests in child health initiatives: In April 2018, the Manitoba government announced a $10 million investment in child health initiatives, including programs focused on early childhood development, mental health, and Indigenous health.
  5. CIC Manitoba launches mental health campaign: In May 2018, the CIC launched a mental health campaign aimed at promoting awareness and reducing stigma around mental illness in children and youth. The campaign featured public service announcements and online resources.
  6. Report highlights need for improved access to healthcare services: A report released by the CIC in June 2018 found that many children in Manitoba face barriers in accessing healthcare services, including lack of transportation and limited availability of services in rural areas.
  7. CIC Manitoba partners with Manitoba government on early childhood development: In July 2018, the CIC partnered with the Manitoba government to launch a new initiative focused on early childhood development. The initiative aims to improve access to early childhood education and care services.
  8. Report highlights importance of breastfeeding for child health: A report released by the CIC in August 2018 highlighted the importance of breastfeeding for child health and development. The report noted that breastfeeding rates in Manitoba are lower than in other provinces.
  9. CIC Manitoba launches new program for children with special needs: In September 2018, the CIC launched a new program aimed at supporting children with special needs and their families. The program provides access to specialized healthcare services and resources.
  10. CIC Manitoba releases report on child injury prevention: In November 2018, the CIC released a report highlighting the importance of injury prevention for child health and well-being. The report called for increased investment in injury prevention initiatives and improved access to safety education and resources.

These are just a few examples of the news stories from the Canadian Institute of Child Health in Manitoba for 2018. If you're looking for more information, I recommend visiting the CIC's website or searching online for news articles from reputable sources.